IP Spoofing is the act of using one machine in network communication to impersonate another. Spoofing is a tampering activity because the hacker convinces a host computer that the hacker is another trusted host computer, and therefore should receive information. iThemes stops this kind of attack by first encrypting all communication with an SSL Certificate. The spoofing machine would need the SSL encryption key to decrypt any intercepted data. Even if the spoofing machine has the means to break the cryptography, every packet of data on an SSL connection generates a difficult-to-reverse hashtag that verifies that the packet has been delivered unaltered. iThemes interception alters this hashtag and causes the authorized parties to end the spoofed connection.
Hacker attacks don’t end with IP Spoofing and neither does iThemes Security. It also protects against Network Brute Force. This is the cyberattack equivalent of trying every key on your key ring and eventually finding the right one. Catching and neutralizing a brute force attack in progress with the protection offered by iThemes Security is the best counter. iThemes also protects against the Local Brute Force. A Local Brute Force attack is a simple attack used to gain access to local files.